Thursday, May 10, 2007


As everyone knows, there is a wine fountain at Bodegas de Irache that is supposed to be for pilgrims ONLY! Tell that to two full busloads of tourists who sucked that fountain dry in no time flat, leaving nothing for those of us who arrived on foot! The bastards even laughed at us, then took pictures of us like we were some damn Disneyworld tourist attraction!! Grrrrr. I realize the folks at Bodegas can´t always police their wine fountain, but it pisses me off that their generosity to the pilgrims is stolen by assholes on buses who know nothing of walking in the mud, muck, heat, rocks, up up up & down down down with a backpack, sore feet & screaming tired knees & ankles.

I made it to Hotel Irache. Very expensive, but I need more hours to rest & get my laundry done. I stink to high heaven & my hair looks like hell.


Anonymous said...

When I arrived at Irache in 2005, I had a busload of teenagers at the fountain. I fear that I announced myself as a peregrino canadiense and they made way for me. I only took a sip, so as to teach them moderation (ha!).

As I was soaked to the skin by rain, I too stayed at the Hotel Irache, overpriced but welcome.

Still, the next stretch is a nice walk- pace yourself Wolverine.

Anonymous said...

Sorry-- the hostal in Logrono I mentioned in the previous day's post was the Hostal Niza (Gallarza, 13) just off the main square.

Kiwi Nomad said...

Thanks for these honest postings. I appreciate hearing how it really is. Glad to hear you are forgetting schedules. I have discovered I enjoy my travels best when I take them as they come.

Anonymous said...

People who drink up all the peregrinos' wine...the WORST PERSONS IN THE WORLD!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We got there at 8:30 in the morning - it wasn't turned on yet. Someone told us later that we hadn't missed that much.