Thursday, April 19, 2007

Why I can't pack

Heeding the advice of veteran peregrinos, I have been packing & re-packing my back pack, taking things out so that it will be as light as possible. Can I really get by for 2 weeks with only 3 changes of clothes?

As you can tell, Rikki (calico) & Misty are "helping" me by sleeping on my stuff. I have less than 2 weeks to go before my trip. Will they finally wake up & go do something else so I can finish packing?


Teli said...

Kelly, I'm so jealous!!
Wishing you a great trip and an exciting adventure!

Anonymous said...

Two changes of clothes will be just fine (maybe a 3d pair of socks). Ditch the denim; it's far too heavy.

DG said...

Hi AC! I've already ditched my jeans. I finally found a pair of light-weight warm-ups that don't have the tell-tale white lines up the sides & exchanged those for the jeans. The denim you see in the picture is actually a large purse that has already handled a lot of abuse on many trips that I've taken. I like to use it because I can put so much stuff in it--water, maps, food, cute guys. ;)

Anonymous said...

Very wise, although the purse might be a tad awkward and a potential receptacle of too much stuff-- but such should be your call. I used a plastic envelope for writing paper & a notebook & stuffed it inside the pack to great effect.

Have you thought of taking the cat with you? So few felines get their Compostela, to the endangerment of their souls. As well, cats do so like to tag along with you, identifying places of interest, and establishing lifelong friendships with other casts, especially in Navarre.

DG said...

Trust me, I'm keeping stuff to a minimum. My plan for the "purse" is to use it when I get to towns & want to sight-see before Mass & dinner. Gives me a place to put things I really don't want to have to replace, like my camera & Ipod. And the occasional cute guy. (A girl can dream)

As for travelling with the cats, I'm afraid they have rather expensive tastes & I doubt I could afford to pay their Customs bill upon return to the US. ;)

Anonymous said...

My cats do the same thing - well, at least Pickles does.